Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5 Reasons Quinoa is Amazingly Healthy for You!

Everyone loves to use the word "superfood" - me included!

We all want to eat the best possible food we can put in our body and when one is called a "superfood" well then how can we go wrong? Its like Batman entering our body and killing all the bad stuff!

These are so many "Superfood" options these days and I am often skeptic of them but I have to agree with the masses that QUINOA is definitely on my list.

Here are 5 reasons Quinoa is Amazingly Healthy for you:
Bursting with clean, plant based Protein giving you awesome energy.

High source of Iron - which is so, so good for you and is much less inflammatory than getting it from animal products - 1 serving (1/4 cup) has 20% of your daily iron! 

Good source of Fibre - keeps you full, keeps your tummy happy, lowers your cholesterol.

Anti-Inflamatory: Quinoa has large amounts of plant antioxidants that fight off free radicals and are important in disease prevention

Contains All Essential Amino Acids  which are those that our bodies are not able to produce on their own - these amino acids play a large part in immunity and the function of your central nervous system.

What do you do with Qunioa? Make a batch - 1 cup quinoa, rinsed well and 2 cups water or veggie broth in a medium saucepan on the stove bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for about 20 min until the liquid is absorbed and the germ has spiraled out. 

Keep it in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Put a spoonful on your salad, in your soup, on your oatmeal, mix it with your hummus, or just warm it up with some salt and pepper and a sprinkle of lemon juice for a side at dinner. 

Make my delicious Ruby Red Stuffed Protein Peppers - which are stuffed with quinoa and other delicious healthy veggies!

Check out the next Picky Diet newsletter for another fabulous Quinoa recipe next week.  Wait! You don't get the Picky Diet Newsletter? What are you waiting for…sign up here!

Sending you sunshine, happiness and health,

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