Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Five Super Easy Clean Eating Swaps!

Changing to a Healthy Clean Vegan Diet doesn't have to be as crazy or hard as it seems!

And guess what - you also don't have to commit your entire life to it.

Make a couple vegan swaps a day to realize how much better you feel. The benefits include less saturated fat and less inflammation in your body. Here are 5 easy swaps to change your diet and get on a path to better health and wellness today…

1. Swap Dairy Milk for Almond Milk
You are going to get more calcium! That's right MORE calcium!!! Make sure you buy a "fortified" one to get added B12 and Vitamin D, not to mention all that Vitamin E for gorgeous skin! Also chose unsweetened to avoid unnecessary sugars. I bet your belly will thank you!

2. Spread Hummus or Mashed Avocado on your Bread or Toast instead of Butter or Mayo
This will give you more protein, more nutrients and less saturated fat and cholesterol. With so many different flavors of hummus to choose from - you will be surprised how much better it tastes!
Vegan Recipe Avocado Toast

3. Drop the Meat and Cheese from your Pizza and go with lots of Veggies!
Surprise! You won't miss it - add onions, mushrooms, peppers, spinach and whatever other veggies you love and enjoy. Less fat, no inflammatory dairy and nitrate meat free - delish!

4. Go Egg Free for Breakfast
Have some sprouted grain toast with almond butter (TONS of protein!), make some Gluten Free oatmeal with blueberries and some flax and pumpkin seeds for fibre, protein and antioxidants - plus this will keep you full until lunch. Check out the Picky Diet Oatmeal Recipe here.  Saute up some veggies and black beans with a little salsa on a spinach tortilla for a southwestern wrap.

5. Swap Chicken or Steak on your Salad for Seeds and Beans
Get just as much protein but with more fibre, omega's, iron and superfood nutrients. Black beans, hemp seeds and avocado make it a little southwestern or walnuts, sunflower seeds and chick peas is a nice light spring/summer option.
Vegan Recipe Vegan Salad Black Bean

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